I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.

I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.
The perfection of nature
Sometimes emails pop into my inbox from someone I haven’t heard from for quite a while, and I’m always happy, happy to know that they are still here, still thinking of me. It’s been a while since I’ve been in your inbox, so I hope you’re happy too. I’ve just returned from a stroll on…
Frivolous flamingo festival
Good afternoon friends, This is a light hearted post from my alter ego, the frolicking flamingo, about f words. I wrote last month how this year I’ve elected to have both a word of the year AND a symbol – for me a flamingo. https://vitalitywithesyltt.com/2022/12/21/learning-and-letting-go/ Thank you to those of you who have indulged me…
Learning and letting go
Today’s musings are inspired by flamingos and a podcast (Zen Bones) where Marc Lesser (one of my favourite authors) and Leo Babauta (Zen Habits) discuss ‘resistance’ to meaningful work. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dealing-with-uncertainty-with-leo-babauta/id1650492012?i=1000584931486 And today’s post is dedicated to Anthia, Heather, Lindsay, and Sylvie – 4 special people who keep me accountable to this creative practice. I apologise for…

About me
Why ‘vitality’? What does it mean? A standard dictionary definition for example is ‘the capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence’. I’ve curated my own definition, the key intersection around which my writing revolves. It’s heart-centred and it is the intersection of connectivity, creativity, health and wellbeing. I’m here…