I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.

I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.
The Power of Words
I grew up with the saying “sticks and stones will hurt your bones, but words won’t hurt you”. I don’t know about you, I disagree. I do understand that the saying was well meaning, I think the idea was to not let what others say have sway over us. Which is relevant in some circumstances.…
Connection with self
Today’s post is inspired by a little book, given to me by my Mum. This little book was first published in 1955. There are many sentences and sentiments that resonate with me as I read it. What is undeniable is that although the language is perhaps ‘old fashioned’, the message is as relevant today as…
Do you ever struggle with decision fatigue?
Sprinting around the Farmers market, one hand steering the trolley, doing my best to avoid colliding with the masses of dawdling shoppers, swinging my left hand so that my activity tracker registers my step count, scanning the vibrant displays of produce, shopping list clutched tightly I am suddenly viscerally aware of how energy demanding this…

About me
Why ‘vitality’? What does it mean? A standard dictionary definition for example is ‘the capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence’. I’ve curated my own definition, the key intersection around which my writing revolves. It’s heart-centred and it is the intersection of connectivity, creativity, health and wellbeing. I’m here…