I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.

I’m here to share stories, ideas, thoughts, resources to inspire and empower you towards your own definition of vitality. To support your own purposeful existence, fuelled by vibrant energy. I’d love you to journey with me on this adventure.
Powerful and creative prompts for living your best life.
As 2023 draws to a close and 2024 beckons this transition time is an ideal opportunity to revisit and catalogue the memories you have made this year. Gretchen Rubin in “Life in Five Senses” https://gretchenrubin.com/books/life-in-five-senses/ describes making a word portrait of someone you love by listing 5 things that describe or relate to that person, the…
Books I’m loving this month
Today’s post is inspired by this quote: “A library is a medicine cabinet. What can heal one person may not work at all for somebody else” Sandra Cisneros A ‘bookworm’ since my childhood this caught my attention. Today I’ll share a little about the inspiring books I’m currently reading, plus the book I’m listening to…
Lift your mood via movement
Bliss, hope, high, happy….we all love the days when we feel optimistic and life is full of joy. As mentioned in my last blog, https://vitalitywithesyltt.com/2023/05/05/the-perfection-of-nature/ this month I have been participating in ‘Mindful in May’. Dr Elise Bialylew’s inspiring program teaches her listeners about the benefits of mindfulness and how to be mindful while raising…

About me
Why ‘vitality’? What does it mean? A standard dictionary definition for example is ‘the capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence’. I’ve curated my own definition, the key intersection around which my writing revolves. It’s heart-centred and it is the intersection of connectivity, creativity, health and wellbeing. I’m here…